1st Exhibition in Norway
The first exhibition of "LIFE WITH NATURE" is held as a part of the annual autumn art exhibition in Horten, Norway.
Høstutstillingen i Horten / Autumn Art Exhibition in Horten
on the 3rd(12pm-5pm) & 4th(12pm-4pm) in October, 2020
at Artilleriverkstedet Kommandørkaptein Klincksvei 1, 3183 Horten, Norway
第一回目 "LIFE WITH NATURE" 展覧会のお知らせ
"LIFE WITH NATURE" の作品が今年の秋季美術展(ホーテン/ノルウェー)で展示されます。
2020年 10月3日 12:00-17:00、4日 12:00-16:00
Artilleriverkstedet Kommandørkaptein Klincksvei 1, 3183 Horten, Norway

Kyoto Journal featured my works.
My artworks have been featured in Kyoto Journal.The theme of the 98th issue is the Japanese time-space concept of "ma"-a measurement of space or an interval-empty, yet never vacant-replete with potentiality, like the silence that is essential to music, the cognitive space between words and sentences in conversations, the stillness that anchors and releases both thought and action.
By a curious coincidence, social distancing has been widely introduced to counter the COVID-19 pandemic around the world. I hope people will not be isolated due to this measure. "ma" is not something which separates people. I believe "ma" awakes people's feelings of consideration toward others.
Kyoto Journal is the longest-established independent English publication in Japan. It presents thought-provoking cultural and historical insights from Kyoto, Japan and all of Asia. It is available as a PDF download from the following website.
204pp; published August, 2020
¥550 (approx US $5)
最新刊の「京都ジャーナル」で私の作品が特集されました。第98号のテーマは日本の時空概念である「間」です。「間」とは間隔のこと、空ではあるが決して虚ではありません。 例えば音楽に不可欠な間、会話における字間や行間、思考と行動を制御する沈黙など、可能性に満ちた概念です。
Exhibition "LIFE WITH NATURE" in Norway
I'm glad to inform about the exhibition in Norwegian wood whose theme is the relation between man and nature.
in August & September, 2020
at Bergen, Gjøvik, Oslo, Drammen, Fredrikstad in Norway
Lisa Karina Bakke(Photographer)/ Nakajima Hiroyuki(Calligrapher)
Webpage: "LIFE WITH NATURE" https://lifewithnature.webnode.jp
The mountains in the Himalayas become visible for the first time in 30 years.
Fishes swimming around the water can be seen in Venice canals.
Sea turtles are thriving on the empty beaches in Florida.
The 'lockdown' experience has completely changed not only our lives but also the natural environment. We are perhaps seeing our planet in a new light now. It seems that this awful virus has not only caused great damage, but also has given us an opportunity to reflect on our approach to nature. "What nature was for us... And what we had done to it".
We really hope this project will provide clues to reconsider our life and nature in a post-Covid-19 world. Artists have no borders even in hard times like this. When different values meet each other, something new is born. We also hope this project will be a cultural bridge between Norway and Japan.
Lisa Karina Bakke/Nakajima Hiroyuki
This project started just after the lockdown was lifted in Norway. Lisa Karina Bakke took her children out for walks to the forest close of her house for the first time in a while. At that time she fully realized the positive impact that nature has had upon her formative years. In the forest she took lots of pictures of her children enjoying in nature. This precious experience evoked the inner child in her. Being in the same situation in Japan, Nakajima Hiroyuki got the sudden email from Norway. It was the offer of this project from Lisa Karina Bakke. He replied right away to her that he deeply sympathized with the concept of this project whose theme is based on nature.
Lisa Karina Bakke's photos taken in the forest are printed using the technique, photopolymer(*1). Nakajima Hiroyuki writes the Japanese character "LIFE" on a piece of rice paper with natural dye such as Indigo, Walnut and Olive. Then both artworks are compressed together and united into one by the technique, Chine Collé(*2) which is a special printmaking technique. This is the first attempt to unite photos of Norwegian forest by photopolymer printing and calligraphy with natural dye on Japanese rice paper together into one series of artwork.
Photopolymer is a printmaking technique in which a photographic image is printed with an Etching Press, using a photosensitive printing plate. It attracts attention as a non-toxic printing technique that creates a plate with light and water without using chemicals.
Chine-collé is a printmaking technique in which the image is transferred onto the thin paper that is bonded onto a heavier support in the printing process. One purpose is to allow the printmaker to print on a much more delicate surface, such as the Eastern paper or linen.
Lisa Karina Bakke(写真家)/ Nakajima Hiroyuki(書家)
ウェブページ: "LIFE WITH NATURE" https://lifewithnature.webnode.jp
Lisa Karina Bakke/ Nakajima Hiroyuki
このプロジェクトはノルウエーのロックダウンが解除された日にはじまる。その日、Lisa Karina Bakkeは実に久しぶりに子どもを連れて家の外に出た。幸いすぐ近くには森がある。彼女は子どもだった頃を思い起こしながらひたすら森を歩いた。自然の恵みを受けて遊びまわる子どもの姿にかつての自分を見出しながら、彼女はそれを夢中で写真におさめた。そしてこの貴重な経験は彼女のうちなる子ども心を呼び起こすことになった。ともにコロナ禍にある日本。中嶋はノルウエーから突然のメールを受ける。Lisa Karina Bakkeからのプロジェクトのオファー、そのコンセプトに共感しすぐに返信を送った。Lisa Karina Bakkeが森の散歩で撮った写真はフォトポリマー(*1)によって版画にされる。中嶋は漢字「生」を藍やくるみ、オリーブなどの自然染料を使って和紙に書く。そして二つの作品はシン・コレ(*2) という特殊な版画技法によって重ね合わされ、一つの作品となる。これはノルウエーの森をとらえた光と水のフォトポリマーと、自然染料と和紙による日本の書の融合を試みた初めてのアートワークである。
*1 フォトポリマーは写真画像を感光性のある印刷版を使ってエッチングプレスで印刷する。化学薬品を使わず自然の光と水によって版をつくる版画技法。
*2 シン・コレとは台紙に極薄の繊細な東洋紙などを貼り付けて刷る版画技法。